Spare Parts For Commercial Vehicles

BPW H../R.. KH../KR.. NH../NR.. SH../SKH.. ECO/ECO-MAXX 6,5-9,0 t Tigril No. BP09.0134 OE No. 03.320.73.13.0 Description Washer, shaft seal Remarks H../R.., KH../KR.., NH../NR.., SH../SKH.. ECO/ECO-MAXX, ECO-Plus 8-12 t Tigril No. BP09.0135 OE No. 03.320.64.01.0 Description Washer, shaft seal Remarks H../R.. KH../KR.. NH../NR.. SH../SKH.. ECO/ECO-MAXX 6,5-9,0 t Tigril No. BP09.0123 OE No. Description Cover plate, dust cover wheel bearing Remarks H../R.. KH../KR.. NH../NR.. SH../SKH.. ECO/ECO-MAXX, H../KH.. SH../SKH.. ECO-Plus 8-12 t Tigril No. BP09.0124 OE No. Description Cover plate, dust cover wheel bearing Remarks H../R.., KH../KR.., NH../NR.. 6,4-9,0 t Tigril No. BP09.0125 OE No. Description Cover plate, dust cover wheel bearing Remarks H../R.., KH../KR.., NH../NR.. 10-12 t Tigril No. BP09.0126 OE No. Description Cover plate, dust cover wheel bearing Remarks H../K.., NR.. 13-14 t Tigril No. BP09.0127 OE No. Description Cover plate, dust cover wheel bearing Remarks OE/Reference numbers and names, other than Tigril, serve for comparison purpose only and must not be mentioned on invoices to the vehicle owners. 11